The Ultimate Fantasy Collection

Around a month ago, we had a chance to partner with some of the best writers* on the Dungeon Masters Guild. The result is The Ultimate Fantasy Collection. This set of adventures was put together under the guidance of Glen Cooper (@dreadfuldungeon) writer of Deadly Dungeon Doors. Glen made the entire process painless and we were glad to be part of the process!

* An additional supplement of campaign suggestions has been written for your enjoyment with forewords from Shawn Merwin and Merric Blackman. Each adventure has been re-visited with recommendations on how to take your adventuring group into the Moonshae Isles. So without further ado, here are the adventures and supplements contained within: Troll Trouble , The Five Temples of the Earthmother, The Tree of Blight, The Vault of Iptiz, The Maze Beneath the Maize, The Low Crater, The Pristine City, The Crystalline Caves of Blackleaf Forest, The Spirit Shaman, Eladrin & Shifter.

The Development of Bentaven the Bard

A couple of months ago, I had a moment where a title randomly popped into my head: The Crimson Cask. I jotted it down and didn't think much about it. Our development cycle has slowed down (a lot). Part of this has to do with real life interfering in our writing about magic and dragons time and part has to do with being in the middle of a really ambitious project. So when we needed a quick little project to get back in the guild and start regular updates again I turned to Bentaven. The first four tales wrote themselves pretty much, some of the easiest writing I've done. The last three are a bit more involved, but the structure is there.

Ryan really hit it out of the park with the cover designs as well, I really like the covers he's designed for the project. If you're curious about the difference in skill here's the first draft of what I gave him to work with vs. what he came up with.

Our current plan is to release tales 1-4 on the guild as PWYW and a compendium of all the tales (1-7) as a paid title with new artwork, expanded content for the first tales and of course the thrilling conclusion. We've really enjoyed the "series" release and I wouldn't be surprised if we do it again after Bentaven is concluded.

Grab Bentaven from dmsguild here!

Upcoming releases for Broken Knives

It's been a while! We've been hard at work on several new products and today I'd like to talk about a couple of them.

The first is Fort at the Edge of the Woods. We've been working on this as a side project on and off for a while and it's nearing release. We're hoping sometime in May.

The second is a new series of adventures called The Tales of Bentaven the Bard. We'll have more details on this one, but we're going to be releasing it in a bit of a new way (at least for us).

We also have a couple of exciting things in the queue that we think you'll really like, so stay tuned!

Forest Encounter


We've been working on our next release The Fort at the Edge of the Wood and I've got some maps to share from it. I've drawn up a number of generic forest encounters which should fit in any campaign. The maps are available in color or line art, with a grid or without. Download below.

Forest Encounter - Color and Line

In Roll20 set your grid to 15x15