We wanted the character to look powerful, but at the same time haggard as if the dark force within him was taking a toll.
The hallmark feature of The Path of the Consumed barbarian is his Consuming Rage ability. He is able to deal damage to himself in order to increase his damage output. This is not an idea new to D&D, and this particular implementation was partially inspired by the bloodclaw weapons of 4E. We tried to make sure that this ability, while it does scale, does not overshadow the berserker subclass's damage output.
The second ability Threatening Demand is a supernatural expression of murderous intent by the barbarian. This is reflected in an ability that allows him to be intimidating at a level well beyond a simple skill check. Interestingly, it also gives rage an out of combat use.
The next ability Morbid Glee reflects the zeal the barbarian feels on the battlefield and gives him a mobility boost after dispatching an enemy.
The capstone feature of the class at 14th level Unstoppable Malice ensures that when the barbarian is raging he is unstoppable for anything short of death.
We also want to not only give the players options, but to give the subclass some substance in the world. To that end, we included a brief description of Thoregar Stonebreaker, an NPC that follows the Path of the Consumed. His description also includes an adventure hook that a DM might use.
We really hope you enjoy our first release and look forward to any feedback!