Skull of the Aberrant Ancient

Today we are giving away a map from our next DMs Guild release which tells the tale of the Red Wizard Houn and his domain under the skull of the Aberrant Ancient. The adventure will be out in a few weeks, in the meantime, feel free to use the map and accompanying rules for your own game.

The Aberrant Ancient

Killed in the earliest moments of the existence of creation by an unknown deity or deities, the Aberrant Ancient's body floated through space until it fell to Toril, breaking apart as it descended. The flesh and bones of the Ancient are steeped in powerful magic energies, and twist and bend The Weave. Where the pieces of the Ancient fell, the natural order is disrupted.

The Skull of the Aberrant Ancient crashed into a peak high in the Greypeak Mountains of the Sword Coast.


The Red Wizard Houn was a promising young pupil when he stumbled upong scroll and books that alluded to the existence of the Aberrant Ancient. He quickly became obsessed with finding the Ancient. He eventually found clues that lead him to the Skull. Houn discovered the presence of the Skull greatly amplified his magic ability, but this effect dissapated once he left the Skull's influence. Intoxicated by the power the Skull granted him, Houn began to delve beneath the mountain to build himself a home where he could study the power of the Skull and experiment with it's effects.

Houn was forgotten by the Red Wizards. He has remained at the Skull ever since.

The Effects of the Skull

Being in the proximity of the Aberration's skull warps the very fabric of magic. Whenever you cast a spell roll 2d6, and based in your result the following effect occurs.

2: The spell fizzles and the slot is consumed.
3-4: The spell functions as if you cast it in a slot one lower. If this would lower it to below its minimum slot the spell fizzles.
5-9: The spell deals an additional 1d6 of damage if the spell deals damage, otherwise the duration is doubled.
10-11: The spell functions as if you cast it in a spell slot one higher.
12: You cast the spell, but the slot is not consumed. ready map

Download Color  
Make your map 35x35 units.

Print ready map

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Download Line
Prints on 4 sheets of 11x17 paper. Assemble map after printing.

B/X D&D Character Sheet

I whipped up a character sheet for my group for a B/X D&D campaign that never got off the ground. I would love it if the sheet got some use, so I'm offering it here on the site for anyone who wants to use it. Enjoy!

If you make an interesting character using the sheet, drop me a note in the comments and tell me about it.

Download: B/X Character Sheet by Ryan Jovian