The Erdgeist

We're trying a new thing this week. Instead of doing all internal testing, we're releasing a subclass that's undergoing development early so people can comment on it before it hits dmsguild (or just use it in their home games!).

Check out the Erdgeist here. More on the develeopment will follow later this week.

The Maze Beneath the Maize Released!

Today is the day that marks the release of The Maze Beneath the Maze, the first premium product from Broken Knives and our most ambitious release to date.

This adventure for a group of 5th level characters contains:

  • A unique open-ended mystery that unfolds as the characters delve deeper.
  • Can be easily adapted or used as-is into any Forgotten Realms campaign.
  • Custom monsters with unique artwork.
  • Custom magic items.
  • Three new maps (maze map and two battlemaps) that are high-resolution and print quality, optimized for your favorite digital or real tabletop.
    • Over 20 pages of content!

A note on pricing

You may have heard some rumblings on Twitter from us and other dmsguild authors about fair pricing. This is especially relevant to us because it's important that we can make enough from selling our products to make it worthwhile. All Broken Knives content contains some degree of custom art (some in-house, some is contracted out) and several hours worth of writing. We'll still have some free content, but there will be premium paid content as well. It's simply not sustainable to release all of our products for free.

For The Maze Beneath the Maze our price was $5.95. We believe this is more than fair for the quality of the product and time that went into it. So grab a copy and enjoy The Maze Beneath the Maze!